Advertise with us

Our approach to advertising is different; our new shoppable “Builders Show Stopper” streaming TV channel not only showcases the latest builds from our KruzinUSA Hot Rod Builder Community, but importantly, the Builder himself acknowledges and shows in his narration of the build the actual Vendor products he’s used in it. As a result, here’s what our registered Vendors get:

– A credible, authentic 3rd party endorsement by a top Hot Rod Builders who has used their product in his latest build.

– When the Builder talks about using the Vendor product, that product is shown right within the context of the build being featured in that episode.

– In each “BUILDERS Show Stopper” episode, there is also an embedded link to an online Show Stopper VENDOR STORE that includes a digital interactive print ad for the Vendor product with the ability to get more info, pricing, even the opportunity to buy that Vendor product shown in the episode.

– After each episode runs its course, KruzinUSA follows up with each of the Vendors featured in the episode with data analytics:

         – hot rodders reached and engaged 

         – cost per thousand

 – those hot rodders that linked specifically to their product with proprietary tracking software that enables remarketing to them with a special offer.

Our approach is unique to the Hot Rod industry; it’s a whole new way of selling your product that capitalizes on the explosive stampede away from old school, passive broadcast TV to new school, interactive streaming TV. Further, initial episodes have generated a lot of interest, averaging well over 300,000 hot rodders per episode and at a cost per thousand that is unrivaled!

If you want to find out more about possibly becoming one of KruzinUSA’s registered Vendors, just give us an email contact and we’ll get back to you with more info. 

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