Everyone and I mean EVERYONE was invited to the party at the Amboy Depot Days Car, Truck and Motorcycle Show. And guess what, EVERYONE showed up! Heck they even brought guests! This year’s Depot Days Show was an unmitigated success. What is a measure of success you ask. Well how about nearly doubling the registered cars from last year. Yep I said doubled, they were hovering so close to that thousand ride mark, next year for sure! Need more proof. How about several thousand, yep thousand unregistered bikes showing up just to take in the show. Harleys, Can-Ams, Cafe Bikes, Suzuki, Yamahas and every other variety of Street Bike, they were all there and all played nice with each other. And I heard more than once, twice, thrice, – I’ve never seen the show this big. Frankly though, I think the capper would have to be the outrageous 50/50. Any guesses about this year’s final take? Drum roll ….. a whopping $298,666.00, that means $149,333.00, ALL to one lucky winner. How crazy is that? You may have guessed I was not the lucky recipient of that delicious check but there’s always next year. By the way the runner up won a 2015 Chevy Kruz, not bad.
The Depot Days Show is a show that celebrates all things on wheels and I really dig that. Everyone was there to appreciate the goods. I also think everyone there including myself, not only enjoyed the show but walked around all day mentally spending their take from the 50/50. Oh well, enough of my ramblings take a look for yourself. It really is a great show when everyone is invited.
To see the rest of this insane show, check out the Most Recent Show Gallery. There were even 2, yes 2 Polaris Slingshots at the show, I just love them. They’re in the Gallery too.
I just have to give a quick shout out to the Amboy Car Show Committee. These folks and I quote “got it together!” The loose knit group of volunteers work tirelessly to ensure the success of this show. Of the original 36 that started out 25 years ago, 30 are still working hard year round at this show and that dedication is clear. The show went off without a hitch, I’ve already mentioned the outstanding car count, and the 50/50 really speaks for itself, but the show is more than that. The Depot Days Car, Truck and Motorcycle Show is truly and altruistic event. All the hard work is done for the love of cars and the like and to give back to the community. Amboy has benefitted for 25 years, 25 lucky folks have walked away with half of an incredible 50/50 pot but all us car lovers are far richer because there is a group of folks out there just doing it for the love of it. My hats off to y’all!
We’re heading South friends. Great show and great racing on deck. Stay tuned.